Ck2 merchant republic empire
Ck2 merchant republic empire

ck2 merchant republic empire

You get good chuck of either from scholarship focus, you get some military points from fighting battles, and they have a few more events, but it's really not that easy to influence. Not like military or culture tech points are that much easier to get. It's probably much easier to get tech points as Muslim nomad than anybody else because Muslims and Nomads are not overpowered enough, right? On the other hand tech levels in nomad capital gets wiped out completely whenever they settle, so I guess that makes it fair, sort of. You can also get some small amount from buildings - universities in cities or some nomad buildings. expelling Jews (which has a chance of giving some negative points).burning down holdings as nomad (and that already got nerfed hard).Speaking of techs, here's full list of events/decisions that give economy tech points: It's a good bit harder to start as custom doge, as underage children can't inherit after you, and even as young adults they'll have very low electability, so you'll need to have son early, survive quite long, and throw tons of money on campaign fund anyway.Īnother difficulty is starting that early (as I didn't want to deal with ongoing Norse invasion or united England), republics only really get going at trade practices level 3, which will take forever, as there's no easy technique like scholarship focus to get economics tech points. Exactly the kind of character who would be likely to start a merchant republic.

ck2 merchant republic empire

Charlemagne start, 2-count duke of Essex, custom character Beornwulf Lockhart with midas touched, greedy, diligent, ambitious, and of course a hunie (which does nothing).

  • I might continue mid-game modding depending on how it goes.
  • ck2 merchant republic empire

    allowing anybody to ask people of same religion to join any war, including faction wars.

    ck2 merchant republic empire

    tweaking some AI faction settings, so AI can't go for elective succession faction unless it's Germanic - preventing ridiculous elective Byzantine Empire and increasing rate for nomad independence faction (sadly I've seen very little evidence of this making any difference in simulation run, as even more frequent revolts would get easily crushed by OP khagans).reversing a few republic nerfs a bit - nothing crazy, just good deal higher trade post limit, plots to seize trade posts enabled for doge and all patricians equally all the merc/retinue/etc.adding decision for feudal lords to become doges - it also gives 500 gold as all patricians in newly created republic start with that much.removing localized nonsense like "Norge" and "Maharajas".removing some experimental stuff from previous campaign that didn't work too well.Republic of London: Part 01: Founding of the Republic: 769-783 Post 1 - Originally published on Google+ on 13:49:00 UTC

    Ck2 merchant republic empire